One of the company’s priorities is a continuous development through active participation in research activities related to new technologies. We cooperate with numerous domestic and foreign academic, research and industrial centers. Our national partners include: AGH University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Rzeszow University of Technology, Institute of Aviation, Military Institute of Armament Technology, Silesian University of Technology. The cooperation with such prestigious research and development centers guarantees the transfer of knowledge and experience at the highest level.
Currently EUROTECH Sp. z o.o. is involved in the implementation of the following projects:
RPPK.01.02.00-18-0011 / 20 – Development of research and development facilities supporting the design and implementation of aviation products and services
The subject of the project is to equip the research facilities of the EUROTECH company.
CSJU-CS-GAM-AIR-2014-2015 – SAT-AM
SAT-AM is a research project financed by the European Commission under the CLEAN SKY 2 programme.
As a result of the research, new technologies for the production of aircraft structures will be developed.

POIR.01.02.00-00-0018/15- IDAAS
The subject of the project is to develop a highly advanced and fully automatic anti-collision system for small or unmanned aircraft.

INNOLOT/I/3/NCBR/2013 – HybriDrive
The subject of the project implemented as a part of the INNOLOT programme is the development of hybrid drive unit technology for light or unmanned aircraft.